
My name is Jeanne, I am a multimedia artist based in Paris and this is how my beaded journey started.


On February 3rd of 2020, I board a plane for my first long journey abroad. A month later, COVID explodes worldwide. Flights are canceled, borders are closed, but visas are extended. I decide to stay where I am.

During this 9-month wait in Thailand, I go through a painful time. I start creating bead necklaces, just like when I was a child, and it helps me a lot. Focusing my attention on these tiny colorful beads soothes me; stringing them one by one on a thread harmonizes my thoughts and mind.

A year later, I return to France with all my beads from Asia, my beginnings of experimentation, and the desire to share this journey...

On September 1st of 2023, I launch my first collection of necklaces, a reworked selection of my favorite designs made during my travels.

I name it "Lacrimosa." It crystallizes those moments of sadness where the quest for beauty was my only ally.

After the rain, after the snow,
It takes time for a seed to grow
Let the light shine through my sorrow
Que des larmes naissent des joyaux.

